Natural sights

The Lake Perches, also called Sternsee (lake of the stars), is located in an old glacial cirque at 1000 meters altitude. Its name isn't due to the fish of the same name but to ...
The Vogelstein rocks (1164m) overhang the volcano forest and are classified as a nature reserve, due to the unique forest and the special flora and fauna.
The Rouge-Gazon pastures dominates the Perches lake. It may have its name from a bloddy battle taking place here during the Thirty Years War and the red grass.
The Hundsruck mountain pass lies at 748m forms the passage between the valleys of the Thur and the Doller. Cyclists climbing the pass regulary. The french army built this road, ...
Hikers refresh at the fountain of the Three Wise Men. Water is coming out of a branch, looking like a swans neck.
Overlooking the Doller valley the Alfeld Lake is dammed since 1883, to supply lower levels with water. His origin is due to glacial erosion. A path leads to a hut near a cascade.
The Vogelsteine lava flow dates from the volcanic period of the Vosges mountains, 330million year ago. At that time the surface was covered by a low water sea and islands.
The legend tells that four brave men, wich fought in the Thirty Years War, died after being tied at the bottom of this fir. It was cut at man's height and grew in four branches ...
The path of the three lakes is situated nearby Gresson and Haute-Bers rigdges and runs past the Neuweiher lake and the Perches lake.
At Lake Kruth-Wildenstein young and old may enjoy water sports and nature activities, such as the tree climbing. Above the lake thrones the ruins of Schlossberg (castle hill) ...